Ensign Tendi

Full name: 
Morticia Tendi
helm, Beta shift, U.S.S. Trnava
Date and place of birth: 
21. 4. 2351, Orion
Marital status: 

Life and Career:

As with all Orions, Morticia's life path was most influenced by her lineage. There are several branches of the Tendi clan on Orion, but hers is certainly exceptional. On the surface, they appear to be a typical smuggling family. Smuggling is a relatively respected profession among Orions. Not as much as thievery, prostitution, or extortion, but still a decent place on the social ladder.

No one suspects that the white powder, the main commodity transported on Morticia's family ships, believed by everyone to be ketracel or quintoheroin, is ordinary sugar. As part of family PR, they occasionally release a few photomontages with Jem'Hadar or Breen in dark alleys, and the rulers of Orion nod in satisfaction. Under this guise, the Tendi clan members happily established a network of confectioneries, where they baked the finest cakes and pastries.

Over decades of successful business, they acquired a small fortune, mainly because they secretly coordinated their activities with the most despised family on all of Orion. These outcasts were none other than the Armani clan, the only family that openly and ostentatiously earned their living through honest work. As early as the 22nd century, these top-notch tailors founded their famous OP (Orion's Honest Ones) company in the New Prostějov colony on Pluto. The company achieved such renown that, thanks to their influence, Pluto was declared an emeritus planet from a mere rock.

In addition to dressing celebrities, in the 23rd century, OP New Prostějov became the exclusive supplier of uniforms for the entire Starfleet. And this is where the ingenious (and secret) collaboration came into play. Thanks to connections from the Armanis, the Tendi clan confectioners began supplying their sweet delicacies to Starfleet headquarters, as well as to the decks of large ships, including the famous Enterprise. This logically and inevitably led to officers needing new uniforms at regular intervals, tailored by the OP conglomerate. Moreover, to maintain a representative appearance, they gladly ordered additional accessories. Each generation of new uniforms, while starting as simple fitted overalls, gradually added various jackets, vests, and the like. Needless to say, both Orion businesses, the confectioners and the tailors, thrived.

From a young age, Morticia was in charge of family marketing, ensuring the company's reputation was the best (meaning the worst). As a barely legal adult, she performed her first feat by helping the Makist smuggler Sakonna escape from a penal colony. She naturally never bragged about the method (she sent Sakonna a hazelnut cake with a tricorder baked inside). Sakonna not only escaped successfully but also privately mentioned to Morticia how wonderfully she enjoyed the cake. It was then that young Morticia first had the idea of opening a confectionery on Vulcan. However, for the time being, she continued working in promotion. She came up with the idea to paint the "smuggled" containers with the inscription CTHULHU (Candy-Cane-Thoroughly-Hidden-Under-Loads-Heavily-Unrevealed), which added to the ominous nature of the supposed contraband. Occasionally, however, she unwillingly had to work for the "other side" to increase business with the Armani clan. After leaner years (caused by the war with the Dominion), she herself joined Starfleet to once again bring Orions and thus the OP company to the attention of officers (who were increasingly resorting to replicated clothing).

While this helped both clothing and sugar sales, it was, of course, a blow to the family reputation back on Orion. Since her assignment on the U.S.S. Trnava, Morticia has been looking for every opportunity to carry out as many pranks as possible. When her friend Kristýna Kolbenová asks for her cooperation in hijacking her own ship from drydock, she doesn't hesitate for a minute.


Morticia is a bright young Orion who, by nature, is inclined towards mischief. However, she has never been evil or malicious, and real crimes that would ruin people's lives are against her nature. However, she enjoys the whole circus and building a villainous image. Her creed is that the only difference between an ordinary villain and a supervillain is - presentation.